Saturday 10 May 2014

Crow on the Go in the Garden

The crow that lives in my garden has been pestering me lately to let her write another column. It's true that her last column, Crow in the Snow, was popular with the masses, and so I decided to take a break and play with my grandkids while she sweats it out at the computer. Here's what she has to say:

I've been out in the spring garden thinking about life. You may think I'm just a birdbrain, but listen up. There may be some good lessons to be learned in a spring garden.

1.  There's nothing like a little shake-up to beat the "same-old same-old blues" Last fall the Mr. and Mrs. that live here divided this pink bleeding heart in half, and now it's twice as big as it was last year. Shake-ups promote growth. That's worth singing about, I say.

By the way, I read in one of the Mrs.' posts that she wasn't sure that crows sing. Well! I'm insulted. Give a listen to this:
Not only do we sing, but we compose our own music. So there.

2. Don't hang on to dead stuff for old time's sake. It doesn't look pretty. Dead is dead -- plants, ideas, attitudes, even sometimes long-cherished pet beliefs. If it's not working for you, ditch it and start again.

3. Beauty in before beauty out. Basking in beauty will fill you up with good things -- then, you can give stuff away to the world.

4. The dining table may be the most important piece of furniture you have. (My friends and family agree.)

 5. Independence is good, but we all need something to cling to for support at some times in our lives. And when we're young, we're especially vulnerable. So take good care of the little things, and you'll be feasting on the fruits of your care (in this case, peas) before you know it.

6. Speaking of fruit, all the fruit of tomorrow is in the flowers of today.

7. If it comes from your own garden, almost anything tastes good. Even kale.

8. Everyone needs hydration, both physically and spiritually. ( I know I've said that before, but I think it's important enough to say again.)

9. Life's too short to fold lingerie. I didn't learn that lesson in the garden, however. One day I was whining to my partner Bub that I had more important things to do than fold his skivvies. He looked at me like I was a few feathers short of a wing, and said, "Then don't! Throw 'em in the drawer and be done with it." Well! That was easy. I figure I've saved myself dozens of hours of pointless work since then. If you like folding underwear, be my guest. But if not, take a cue from Bub.

10. I know life for you humans is busy, but you need to play every day. We crows do. Right now I'm playing hide and seek in the garden. Can you find me? (See, I tricked you into playing Where's Crowdo, just like that. It's easy to play...try it, you'll like it.)

 Over to you, Mrs.

Good job, Crow!

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